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What is Google Vault and How Does It Help You Manage Information

Publication Date: 2022.04.29

Get to know the features, usages, and pricing of Google Vault, An information governance service within Google Workspace. Gain insights into which plans – Business Starter, Standard, Plus. Enterprise, Essentials, Standard, or Plus – support Vault functionality. Here is a comprehensive answer to “What is Google Vault” and guide to how you can use it to manage your information.

Mitigate Compliance Risks with Google Vault

Google Vault is a service designed for information governance, eDiscovery, and audit readiness for pre-regulatory checks. Use it to help archive, manage, and preserve data including email and chat records sent through Google Workspace’s Gmail. Covering logs, Google Vault archives internal chats, Google Meet recordings, and Google Drive files to ensure they are readily available for recovery and retrieval.

By implementing Google Vault, businesses can swiftly retrieve and electronically disclose past logs that are stored in Google Workspace tool locations at the end of a lawsuit or any other form of corporate misconduct. Considering the unpredictable nature of potential legal challenges, Google Vault proves to be a crucial tool for businesses

Google Workspace Plans Inclusive of Google Vault

Check out the table below for Google Workspace plans that support Google Vault Google Vault is currently available in three plans.Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, and Enterprise Plus However, if you are a Frontline Plan user, Google Vault can be implemented with additional charges. Contact us at TS Cloud for more details.

  Google Vault
Free Account
Business Starter
Business Standard
Business Plus
Enterprise Essentials
Enterprise Standard
Enterprise Plus
(Add-on license required)

Ask About Google Vault

Features and Applications of Google Vault

Google Vault features that reduces compliance-related risks data-src=

Functions 1: Litigation Hold – Retain Data for Litigation

A litigation hold, also known as a legal hold, ensures that electronic data related to potential legal matters is not deleted. By setting up Data Retention in Google Vault, data can be indefinitely retained to fulfill legal and data preservation obligations. This can be extremely helpful in legal cases where if a user subject to a hold decides to delete data, it will appear deleted according to this screen however, will be preserved in Google Vault. As long as Data Retention is set up, administrators can search and export the required and necessary records.

Function 2: Search

Using Google Vault, easily search and gather information stored in Google Vault when you need it. By specifying user accounts, organizational units, dates, and keywords, you can search for organizational Google Workspace data, making messages, attachments, and supported files accessible. As businesses continue to sync user accounts under one organizational Google Workspace account, providing information in the case of an eDiscovery request can be done quickly. Here is how:

  1. Sign in to Google Vault
  2. Create a Matter
  3. Search for Data under a specified Google service, such as Gmail or Hangouts
  4. Search for specific data in Google Drive
  5. Save Search Results

Function 3: Export

After locating and identifying files you are interested in with Google Vault’s search feature, easily export your search results to continue with your data analysis. By utilizing Vault’s export features, you can collect the following data:

  • Data copies that match the search conditions in one location
  • Metadata to link exported data with individual users within your domain
  • Confirmed information required to prove that the exported data matches the identified data stored on Google’s servers

Function 4: Audit Report

Leverage Vault’s audit features to obtain detailed information about user activities within Vault. For instance, track actions like an accountant editing retention rules or searching for data in the organization. Utilize it to monitor the actions of your legally binding accounts. Vault users possess the authority to log in to Vault and perform operations, and here’s how to access it:

  1. Access “Audit” through “Reports” in Google Vault
  2. Specify audit dates under “Select Period”
  3. Specify the user that is to be audited using “Select Vault User” (Select a user with Vault privileges)
  4. Select the checkbox for operations that require audit information with “Select Operation Type”
  5. Download a CSV file containing audit information from “Download in CSV Format”

Download CSV-formatted Vault audit reports and fully leverage your Google Workspace office suite by easily viewing the information with Google Sheets. As a feature provided by Google Vault to guarantee information integrity, recorded operations in the audit report cannot be deleted by Google or Vault administrators as long as your organization continues to use Vault. Only when an organization decides to terminate Vault’s service will any audit data within the account be deleted.

Google Workspace Services Supported by Google Vault

  Retention Record Retention
(Retention Hold)
Search and Export
Google Drive
Google Group
Google Chat
Google Meet Covered by Drive rules unless Meet-specific rules are turned on Covered by Drive holds Use Drive search and export
Google Sites Covered by Drive rules unless Meet-specific rules are turned on Covered by Drive holds Use Drive search and export

*Visit Google Vault Help for more information

Advantages of Google Vault

Advantage 1: Respond Quickly to eDiscovery Requests From Court

Electronically retain communication information among employees to prepare for corporate emergencies such as lawsuits. With Vault’s readiness to identify and extract information, swiftly compile and submit any necessary information according to your requirements. This capability of Google Vaults stands as a significant advantage of implementing Google Vault in your office suite.

Advantage 2: Avoid Risks at Low Cost

Through the inclusion of Google Vault into Google Workspace’s Business Plus plan, utilize Google Vault for cost-effective eDiscovery preparedness. Choose a Google Workspace plan that includes Vault to ensure you will be ready for emergencies at no additional costs.

Advantage 3: Low Maintenance

Being a cloud-based information management service, Google Vault eradicates the necessity for software installation in the initial setup. While Google takes charge of all maintenance and management responsibilities, you will be able to leverage this setup to its fullest extent without the burden of system intricacies and details.

Google Vault Pricing

As mentioned earlier, Google Vault is accessible through Google Workspace’s Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, and Enterprise Plus plans. Your initial subscription fee for Google Workspace covers the costs of Vault, with no additional fees applied to your subscription plan.

Furthermore, combining different plans within the same domain is not allowed. To use Vault, all users must subscribe to the same edition of Google Workspace that includes Google Vault. It’s crucial to understand that Google Vault is an integral part of Google Workspace’s offerings and cannot be acquired as a standalone service.

Choosing a Google Workspace Plan With Google Vault

Now, let’s explore how to access Google Vault. It is not available for Business Starter, Standard, and Enterprise plans, but it can be utilized with Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, and Enterprise Plus plans. These specific plans offer a cost-effective solution for eDiscovery, with no system-related tasks like initial setup or maintenance. If you seek additional details and information about Vault’s features and applications, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at TS Cloud.

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